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“ Hangreentech: Your Freshness-Keeping Partner ”

Name 한그린 E-mail edward
Date 2017-10-16 Count 14897
attached file pma-영문-사진포함.jpg
good way to extend fresh produce shelf life at PMA Fresh Summit
#1 Active Packaging Company, Hangreentech Co., Ltd.(Booth # 6157) participates in 2017 PMA Fresh Summit.
PMA Fresh Summit (Produce Marketing Association Fresh Summit Int'l Convention & Exposition) takes place in New Orleans, USA from 19.10 to 21.10.17.

Visit Hangreentech at booth 6157 !

Be fresh with ViViFresh® at 2017 PMA Fresh Summit!

Keep freshness with ViViFresh® at 2017 PMA Fresh Summit!

Online store : http://zippys.co.kr/
Official home page : http://www.hangreen.com/eng/
For info. Please Contact---green@hangreen.com

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